Plant Walk in Downtown Lancaster: Sunday, August 26th 2012.

I will be leading a plant walk around some of the sidewalks of downtown Lancaster PA.
While our city sidewalks are not necessarily a healthy place to eat edible wild plants, they are a fun and convenient place to learn about them and their resilient nature. I will be largely focusing on edible weeds as well as some useful street trees.

When: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm on Sunday, August 26th.

Where: Musser Park, Lancaster, PA
Meet under the large Oak tree near the steps on the corner of E Chestnut and N Shippen.

Suggested donation of $10, but pay what you can if you can.

Simple Woodworking for Gatherers and Gardeners: Free Workshop

Close up of a black walnut and my wooden cracking stick.

Exciting workshop coming up!

I will be showing basic techniques for creating some traditional wooden tools. The workshop will include discussion of ecology, handtools, foraging, early agriculture, and primitive vs. modern woodworking.

Saturday, August 18, 2012
12:00pm until 1:00pm

Eastern Market
308 E King Street, Lancaster, P

See you there.