
My photography tends to focus on fungi, mosses, and other tiny elements of the woodland landscape. I do not edit or color correct my photos. If the end result seems somewhat surreal, it is due more to the limitations/capabilities of my rather average digital camera, than any tinkering on my part.

Creative Commons License
These works by Nathan Carlos Rupley are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

“A Strange Celebration”

“A Time to Seek”

“Archaic Communities and Nascent Structures”

“Saprophytic Light”

“The Passing of Time”

“Rays of Light on Decay Bring Growth”

“A Vast Landscape so Ominous and Small”

“Patterns of Growth and Meaning”

“A Large Presence with Gills so Fine”

“Life Within Another”

“Seeds in the Heart of Sheol”

“A Future Resurrection”

“Beyond This Sabbath Rest”

“Ancient Paths of a Tiny Civilization”

“Metazoic Art and it’s Potential Lessons”

“Prototypes and Remembrances”

“The Origins of Rebirth”

“Actual Deconstruction”

“Beyond Philosophy”

“Tongues Like Fire”

15 thoughts on “Photography

  1. This is the first I have seen your stuff. I really love the subject matter! They look very ethereal. I hope there are more coming! -Emily

  2. Hey Nathan,

    Cool stuff here. Fungus is a great thing to photograph!

    I thought of you this last weekend when my friends and I went camping and we ate some morels and fried up some cold, abandoned goose eggs.


  3. You’re very talented, and the collection is wonderful, but I loved “A Vast Landscape so Ominous and Small” the most. They’re like little hands of Earth reaching for the light from the darkness of the forest floor. Cheers, and I hope the gallery showing is going well..


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