Foraging in thigh high snow.


We got over 2 feet of snow during winter storm Jonas. I spent a good deal of the morning shoveling, and still have a decent amount to go, but I decided to take a small break and do a little foraging.


So I waded through the back yard, the snow drifted almost waist high in areas, and found a spot next to a small hackberry tree, where I knew a patch of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) was growing.


After digging through thigh high snow, I found some garlic mustard and even a little purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum). Both plants are very cold tolerant.


You certainly couldn’t survive of of these, but nothing beats some fresh edible/medicinal wild greens in the middle of winter!

Thanks for reading,



2016 Foraging and Rewilding Course


Learn the basics of rewilding while diving deep into the world of plants.

Meets once a month from March through November.

Classes will be held the 3rd Saturday of each moth,

and will meet at Millport Conservancy (near Lititz, PA)

and at our cabin (near the Green Dragon in Ephrata, PA).

Each class will be 2-3 hours long starting at 1:00PM.

What will be covered?

  1. How to develop a relationship with the plants around you, including identification,

their various uses (especially as food), and how to approach plants like a hunter-gatherer-gardener.

2. Rewilding theory, including discussion of the history and meaning of the term, and it’s limitations.

3. Hunter-gatherer-gardener skills, including simple tools, traps, and hunting weapons,

as well as basic woodworking with stone and metal tools,

and improving your awareness, ability to read the landscape, and move through the environment.

4. Ecology, including how plants interact with insects, mammals, birds, fungi, and other plants.

Online Mentoring:

While the classes will be held from March – November, you will be provided support

and resources from the time you register though the end of 2016.

This will be in the form of a closed Facebook group, where we will share stories.


Registration is due by the end of February, but the sooner you sign up

the more online support you will receive.

Register by emailing me at (please include “Registration 2016 Course” in the subject)

and either using the Paypal button bellow, or arranging another payment option.


The cost of the course is $185 for the whole year,

but if you really cannot afford it let me know in your registration email.


Nathan Carlos rupley

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