A Few Plants From my Recent Class.

Saturday was the 1st monthly class in my 2016 Foraging and Rewilding Course.

Here is a sampling of some of the plants we discussed and interacted with.

I’m also planning a one off class sometime in May. Stay tuned.

Hairy Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta).


Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata).


Common chickweed (Stellaria media).


Insect gall on a hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) tree.


Wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius) cane.


Field garlic (Allium vineale).


Wound on a beech tree (Fagus grandifolia). Probably from the tree trying to contain a fungal attack.


Ramps (Allium tricoccum). These are one I transplanted.


Eastern Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus).

(Obviously don’t just go out and eat these, find some good resources and educate yourself).

Thanks for reading,


May’s Monthly Foraging Class at the Horn Farm Center.


May 18 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. @ the Horn Farm Center.

These classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
Lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley
as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants
with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.

March Foraging Class at the Horn Farm Center.


Saturday, March 16th, 10 – noon.
At the Horn Farm Center (4945 Horn Rd Hellam, PA)

Classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
Lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley
as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants
with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.


February Foraging Class at the Horn Farm Center.


Saturday, February 16th, 10 – noon.
At the Horn Farm Center (4945 Horn Rd Hellam, PA)

Classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
Lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley
as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants
with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.

Most or all of the class will be outdoors, so wear warm clothing if needed.

Foraging Classes at the Horn Farm Center.

Picture of Nettles.

Saturday November 17th is the 2nd of a series of monthly foraging classes at the Horn Farm Center. These classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month from 10 am – 1 pm and lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives. Each class should involve at least some time harvesting, preparing, and eating wild plants that are available during the different seasons.

Bring a packed lunch that can be supplemented by what we harvest.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.


A Photography Show, and More Upcoming Events

Art photo of ice covered seeds in winter.

I am excited to announce that I have another photography show coming up.

The opening will be from 6-8 pm on Friday June 8th at The Shoppes on Main
in Mount Joy.
Come see my work, enjoy some refreshments, and check out the other great art and crafts in the store.
If you can’t make the opening, my work will be hanging until the 2nd week of July.

There are a lot of other events in the near future that I am pretty excited about too:

Saturday June 16th is the Hunt, Gather, Rewild Class that I am teaching with Wilson Alvarez.

Friday June 29th Musician Douglas Thomas is celebrating his debut EP release at the Millport Conservancy.
Mount Gomery will also be playing (and releasing an EP).
Chef Nicholas Furrow will be crafting all locally sourced artisnal finger foods, hot off the grill.
Ben Weiss will be sampling his homebrews, including a beer brewed with wild-harvested spring herbs.
Artist Marisa R. Smith will be displaying her sculpture and paintings,
and I will have an array on hand crafted primitive tools.

And finally

Saturday July 7th I will be teaching a small part of a class on perennial foods that Susquehanna Farm School is putting on at the Horn Farm Center.

Hope you kept that all straight, and hope to see you at these events.
