March Foraging Class at the Horn Farm Center.


Saturday, March 16th, 10 – noon.
At the Horn Farm Center (4945 Horn Rd Hellam, PA)

Classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
Lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley
as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants
with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.


February Foraging Class at the Horn Farm Center.


Saturday, February 16th, 10 – noon.
At the Horn Farm Center (4945 Horn Rd Hellam, PA)

Classes are held every 3rd Saturday of each month.
Lead by Jonathan Darby and Nathan Carlos Rupley
as well as other area foragers and plant nerds.

We will be discussing and demonstrating many uses of wild plants
with an emphasis on learning to actually work them into our lives.

Suggested Donation of $15, but pay what you can if you can.

Most or all of the class will be outdoors, so wear warm clothing if needed.