A Simple Meal with Spring Greens.


I’m not much of a cook, but this time of year it is easy to make great dishes that use weeds. Today’s lunch was gluten free pasta and grass fed beef, with stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), common chickweed (Stellaria media), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), broadleaf plantain (Plantago major), violet (Viola spp.), cleavers (Gallium aparine), bee balm (Monarda didyma), red clover (Trifolium pratense), field garlic (Allium vineale), and broadleaf dock (Rumex obtusifolius).

All the greens where harvested within a 2 minute walk of our house. Most of them were growing within 30 feet of the door. I may never get to the place where I can eat only wild food, but who cares when it is so easy to a a little diversity to our diet.

Thanks for reading,



Morels in the Snow?


This morning I awoke to snow. Large flakes falling heavy on an April morning. My 1st thought was, hmm, I have never found morels in the snow before. So I got ready, and headed over to my favorite morel spot (the same one I wrote about here). The path to my spot was beautiful.


When I got to my spot, I saw that most of it was too covered in snow, but a few of the prime areas were more clear, because they were protected by a pine and some shrubs. Right away I found the one above. As I mentioned last time, I like to leave the 1st one, so I kept looking.


It took me a while, but found one in slightly more snow.


I picked it, and scanned the surrounding area.


I ended up only harvesting two. Not exactly a lot of food, but as I had expected, finding morels in the snow was a magical feeling.

Thanks for reading,



Approaching Plants, Spring Class.


Approaching Plants:
In this class we will discuss how to approach plants in our local ecosystems, as well as gain hands on experience foraging and more.

There is a heavy emphasis on edible wild plants,
but other topics covered include sustainable/regenerative harvest, simple wooden tools, how plants can be the foundation of both nature connection and rewilding, and how plants can teach us to read the landscape.

When: Saturday May 14 from 10-2.

Where: Millport Conservancy, 737 E Millport RD, Lititz, PA

What to bring:
Weather appropriate clothing, shoes you don’t mind getting muddy, water, and a packed lunch.

This is an in depth class, but is meant for both beginners and intermediate students. If you are more interested in a shorter plant walk, contact me to book one.

The class is $35 but no one will be turned away for financial reasons.

PLEASE REGISTER by using the Paypal button at the bottom of the page. or by contacting me at nathanrupley@yahoo.com if you need an alternate payment method or sliding scale.



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1st Morels of 2016.


Yesterday my kids and I went to the creek/woods where I have my morel spots. It is earlier in the season than I usually find them, but I tend to go on the later end of the season. We went to my best spot, and I looked around while the kids played. After a couple minutes, I spotted the one pictured above. Part of being a forager is being a good caretaker, so I generally leave the 1st one, and harvest moderately after that. It took me a little while, but I found and picked the one bellow.


After that, all I managed to find was one more little one that was just emerging from under the leaf littler. I left it to grow, but am hoping there will be more popping soon.


While we were at the creek, I figured it would be nice to return the favor of all the wild food we pick there, so we gathered some litter on our way back to the car.


We collected a grocery bag full in no time. We will need to go back soon, this time with full size trash bags. It is always important to try to find ways to have a reciprocal relationship with the places we gather. Some times it feels overwhelming, but every little bit makes a difference.

Thanks for reading,
